These pictures are particularly significant for us. A few months prior to their birth, my parents flew down from Seattle to help us make funeral arrangements. They had picked out these beautiful gowns for their burial, and my mom had finished these beautiful blankets for them. She hand ribbon crocheted the flowers and attached a little heart charm to each blanket.

Emma Joan and Taylor Nalani Bailey were born September 20, 2006. All of our children have a family name for their middle name, and we named the twins after their grandmothers. Tor's mother's middle name is Nalani and my mother's name is Joan, we felt impressed that they were to have these names. They were born C-Section, at 38 weeks. Our children, both sets of parents and a few of our siblings were able to be in town for their birth. They weighed 10.7 pounds combined, compared to their now 32 pounds combined. Emma was 17 1/2 inches tall, and Taylor was 18 1/2 inches tall. Having been prepared to lose them at birth, we were thrilled to have these first few momets and have our families meet these new babies. Tor gave them their first bottles and Paige, our oldest, gave them their first bath.

These pictures were taken 5 days after the babies were born. Most of them were taken from a wonderful photographer from a group called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. My dad had made arrangements for a photographer to document what little time we anticipated with our daughters. This group specializes in documented moments thru photography for families with stillborn and high risk infancy births, so that families can have pictures of the few moments with their child if they are unable to have memories. This was a very tender photo session and are grateful to our photographer and to dad for making it possible.
There have been several incidents with the girls that you just can't help but giggle. Like when the DMV employee gave us 2 handicap parking tabs "in case the babies weren't in the same car at the same time", or when I was asked if they sleep in the same bed, or when I get appointment notices with Emma scheduled to see the Dr. at 9, followed by Taylor at 10. This little video was taken the first couple of weeks. Tor was up with them so I could get some sleep. Taylor was sound asleep and Emma was having a hard time settling down...