Well, after an unexpected complication in March, I found myself confined to a lovely little hospital room for 5 weeks and had our baby boy 5 weeks early on April 21st, 2008. My mom came in for the rescue to manage house and home for nearly 6 weeks while I was hospitalized and a little bit of time after---thanks mom, you're the best! This little boy shares his birthday with Grandpa Bailey and Aunt Tara---kind of exciting! He was still a healthy 6 pounds and absolutely ADORABLE! I can't take any credit for the picture, I tweeked the "last edition" idea off a card I saw at the hospital's gift shop during one of my daily excursions! Thanks Breezy for the pics---they're gorgeous!
All of the kids are elated with their new brother, and it is heartwarming to see them help with him. It has been very interesting observing Paige with him in particular. She was 8 when the twins were born and wasn't able to hold and help with them as she wanted to. And now, she's a little mom and quite funny that she hasn't figured out that it's not normal to like changing his diaper when she gets home from school! Emma absolutely lights up when she gets to be close to Blake. Taylor is happy as well, and then starts pushing him away...as if saying "so when is this kid going to go back where he came from?!"
More exciting news....Char, my sister-in-law, had her baby on her due date of all things! If everything had gone as planned, our boys would have been about 10 days apart. This is her first baby and baby Colton was 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Here are both boys....Blake is wondering why Colton is so darn loud.