The girls had 2 scheduled surgeries in November....and managed to get the swine flu! Yep, you read correctly. The silver lining on this little rain cloud, is that the girls were heavily sedated during and recovering from surgery for the worst of the flu. The elusive H1N1 was detected a few days later. The 103 degree fevers and completely congested noses were pretty good tips! This was about 2 weeks into it and much, much happier.

This picture makes me happy! The girls love their "hats and gubs"! They needed some warm clothes for our cold AZ nights (don't laugh, it actually gets cold here), and they had fun getting themselves dressed!
AHHH... Poor babies!! The Swine Flu stinks!!! Our house was struck with it the entire 2 weeks of our fall break. Yep - we canceled our vacation and stayed in for 2 weeks straight! I hope all is going well and the girls are getting back on top of their game! They sure are cute and getting so big! We love you guys!
Thanks for the update! It's fun to see the girls - they sure are growing! I'm glad their surgery went well and they got over the swine flu with no ill effects.
I'm so glad they did well with their surgeries and swine flu! Cute picture with the hats and gloves. It gets cold in Arizona? Really? :)
They are so darling. I'm glad they made it through H1N1 okay. How scary. Keep the posts coming. I love to see how they are doing.
Big HUGE best wishes from Seattle and warm, warm welcome to your beautiful family.
I am sending you all the best of thoughts and prayers from here and know the brilliant doctors at Children's will be able to help your sweet girls.
My thoughts are with you!
I was touched to see the two girls.....they are so sweet.....hope to get more news on them....though I am far far away in asia (to be certain, in Malaysia), i do hope and wish that everything will go well....
I'm from Brazil and saw abt the girls in a newspaper from my country. I'm heve to say GOOD LUCK for your family, you deserve the best. Hugs from Brazil!!!
Don't stop posting such themes. I love to read articles like that. Just add some pics :)
I just wanted to say that I saw your story on discovery health channel. AS a mother of 4 (with a set of non conjoined twins, I am very moved. I went online to get an update on your girls. I am so happy they are thriving and healthy.. glad their surgery went well.
Tara Borrelli
Hi to all of you; Tor, Mandy, Paige, Drew, Cole, Emma, Taylor and Baby Blake!
I'm from Montreal, Canada and I saw your story on tv (the french version of it) and I had to tell you, how unbelievable are your children. Yes, Emma and Taylor are special, but we don't see often older children being that nice, cooperative and smart than your 3 older kids, Paige, Drew and Cole. I was blown away! and of course, Blake is adorable.
My familly and I will for sure follow your story, and add you to our prayers. I hope there was a way to help you more, we will try to collaborate the best we can this year. Here, we don't always understand how huge are the fees for health care.
We wish you luck, energy and courage and hopefully 2010 will be a great year for all your familly!
(sorry if my english isn't perfect!)
Hi, I am from Portugal...You have such a lovely family!!! The girls are adorable...Good luck for life and for your decision.
A big kiss to the whole family
I'm not sure how I came across your blog about these two beautiful girls. But I am actually from Woodinville, Washington and Mandy was my YW leader when I was a teenager ... I am blown away by the powerful example of faith your family is. I've watched all the clips and Mandy and Tor have a wonderful outlook on life and are so positive. What a blessing these two daughters are and your family is so aware of that! Miracles can and do happen. I wish Mandy and your family the very best my prayers are with you and hope all is well! You are an inspiration to me of whats really important in life ... family and making the best of what we're given. Thank you for that.
Shannon Wilson
Hello Emma and Taylor, I am from New Zealand and have just seen your wonderful documentary about your precious beginning to life! I was brought back down to earth by your courage and determination to live and grow as two beautiful little individuals. I wish I could give you both hugs and kisses! and to you parents WOW. I take my hat off. I have an 18 month old daugher and she keeps me busy! Well done! Best wishes from New Zealand. Kindest regards Rikki-Lee xox
Hi there, you don't know me but I just watched the doco about your gorgeous girls (for the second time!) and I googled you and found your blog. It is wonderful to read how well the girls are doing and see the beautiful smiles on their faces. Your family is truly an inspiration!
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